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Our Accreditation


The framework that we will be using to assess your TP standards was developed by our colleagues in TPAS Scotland. It recognises landlords that demonstrate excellence in tenant participation and provides an in-depth assessment of your engagement practices and activities. Most importantly, accreditation can then be used as a tool for continuous improvement.



Supporting Communities has adapted the Scottish model to reflect Northern Ireland's regulatory requirements and has created a unique scoring matrix aligned to Bronze, Silver and Gold.





As the Independent Tenant Organisation for NI, we use accreditation to help landlords raise the bar for tenant participation and exceed the minimum standards as set out in the Tenant Participation Strategy NI. It will act as a benchmark against other landlords in NI, ROI and across the UK.


Supporting Communities' Tenant Participation Standards also enable social landlords to assess their progress in meeting the Consumer Standard as determined by the Department for Communities’ Regulatory Branch.


We can answer the question of how well a landlord is meeting their tenant participation goals, including:


  • Is your Housing Association meeting best-practice standards in tenant involvement?

  • How effective is your organisation in involving tenants?

  • Has your service improved as a result of putting tenants at the ‘heart’ of your business



Get Started


Learn more about the process of getting your Tenant Participation work accredited.


Contact Siobhan O’Neill to get started today!



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